We had an infestation of it in our house this last weekend. Some people say that we shouldn't go out in public for a whole week until it is cleared up. If this is the case then I should take this week off of work, can;t afford to do that. We called the Nurses hotline and they said that if treated properly with the shampoo to kill all the bugs then the nits themselves aren't contagious...the pharmasist also said this.
My opinion is this, number oen I agree with the pharmasist and nurses hotline. number two - to say that we can`t leave the house so that other people don`t catch it, after all the bugs are gone and just the nits(which aren`t contagious because they fall out by themselves), is just not right in opinion. If we have a cold are people going say that we should stay at home so that don`t catch it. That be the same as saying that your kids should stay home from school when there is a virus going around...which is just stupid because you may as well home school then because there is always something going around.
To say that we aren`t allowed at a certain persons house because they scared about catching it, when we are past the contagious stage, is in my opinion...wrong. I mean...what would Jesus do...would he not go to someones house, or have them over to his house(if He had one), because they had head lice...of course not!